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主演:Christian Kohlund Claudine Wilde 
剧情:Endless ristine beaches, crystal-blue water and never-ending sunshine: the goal of hotel manager Markus as he acks his bags for a relaxing holiday at the family-owned luxury hotel on the Seychelles. He also wants to catch u with his daughter Leonie who’s currently in job training at the resort.Leonie is good friends with Flo, a hotel maid who dreams of a career in the fashion world and devotes all of her sare time to designing extraordinary outfits. When Leonie discovers that the celebrated fashion designer Claus Carstens has made a reservation, she secretly stashes Flo’s sketches in his recetion desk mailbox. But as it turns out, it’s not Claus but his son Wayne who arrives at the hotel.Unexectedly, and without having any clue about each other’s background, Flo and Wayne fall in love.However, when Wayne learns that the mysterious sketches are from Flo, he becomes unsure…is she only using him to get ahead? He confronts Leonie, who deserately turns to Markus for hel in straightening out the misunderstanding.Markus’ lans for a carefree, sun-soaked holiday are already being foiled by Helena. At first Helena insists that she’s the owner of the roerty on which the hotel stands. They soon determine that she had inherited an altogether different roerty from her late father… where he had built a home for children. That deely disturbs Helena.Why had the father who she never met cared so much for other children, and not his own daughter? Together with Markus, she sets out to find the truth about the father she believes to be dead. Horst and Nora are causing quite a stir as well on the troical island. The coule had dreamt of a romantic new beginning for their relationshi on the sun-kissed island.......but then Oliver, Nora’s secret lover, unexectedly shows u. It becomes a three-way tug of war, until Oliver and Horst wind u becoming buddies. Her world thrown into chaos, Nora is nearing a nervous breakdown. On such a beautiful troical aradise though, tranquility is never far off…

亚洲唯一上榜的城市,也是世界唯一一座拥有七星级宾馆的城市。有“阳光之城”之称的迪拜用自己的方式诠释这西亚之都的浪漫情怀。第十位:卡萨布兰卡 因为电影而闻名,因为有了这座美丽的城市,才有了经典的电影。我们没有理由塞舌尔海椰子 长达4公里的博瓦隆白沙滩是欧洲旅游者的圣地。细腻如泥的细沙和碧蓝如水晶般透明的海水每年吸引着10多万欧洲有钱人来这里“朝圣”。可爱的儿童笨拙的用沙铲堆砌着他们梦想中的城堡,热恋中的年轻人或者蜜月中的其次,那里有最好的度假酒店。根据去年《福布斯》杂志评出的全世界最贵酒店排名,前三甲中塞舌尔占据两席,仅次于拉斯维加斯的米高梅大酒店。五、巴拿马:最佳生态游胜地 巴拿马首都巴拿马城面临巴拿马湾,背靠安康山谷,巴拿马运河,但如果你对潜水兴趣多多,无论是浮潜(snorkel-diving),还是水肺潜水(scuba diving),尤其是有需要open water的,那么,马尔代夫是首选--潜水圣地,绝对不会令你失望的。塞舌尔的景致很综合,有山有水,品质有保证。毛里求斯和塞舌尔成为蜜月旅行的热门目的地毫不令人觉得意外:世界上最奢华的酒店在这里竞赛,看谁家的服务能带给“奢华”一词新的定义,他们提供的服务从贴身管家、私人健身游泳池到客房内按摩,甚至连枕头都有可供选择的表单——就更别说奢我的梦想每个人都有自己的梦想,当然我也不例外,有的人想当科学家,有的人相当发明家,还有的人想当作家,而我却想当一名教师.如果,我真当上了一名教师,我会做一个和学生打成一片的好老师,只要一有时间我就和他们一起这个横跨半个地球,靠近南纬赤道的非洲群岛国家,以淳朴的自然风光、奢华的酒店设施成为世界级高端海岛。几年前听到这个名字,从陌生到成为一个遥不可及的海岛梦想,如今,一次偶然的机遇让我实现了多年的梦想。有人称塞舌尔是(9)第七天。亚龙湾。终结你的相机电池力!亚龙湾云集着20多家豪华五星级酒店。拿着你的相机,配好内存,然后在各个酒店尽情的拍照吧!人家不知情的还以内亚龙湾的五星级酒店都被你住遍了呢!(10)第八天~第十天。塞舌尔所有的沙滩都是开放的,临海的酒店也不能阻止非本店的住客或当地人使用酒店前的沙滩。塞舌尔人环保意识极强。...可爱的儿童笨拙的用沙铲堆砌着他们梦想中的城堡,热恋中的年轻人或者蜜月中的情侣们尽情享受火辣的阳光,白发苍苍的第四名:塞舌尔群岛 位于印度洋中的塞舌尔,可谓地球上的天堂。蓝天、碧水、阳光、沙滩、海风……塞舌尔拥有了一个美丽的海岛国家应该具有的一切,以及更多。岛上最让人啧啧称奇的,当数塞舌尔的国宝海椰子。海椰子树,公树...

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