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主演:奥尔佳·勒曼 亚瑟·斯莫里亚尼诺夫 尤利斯·鲍里索夫 
剧情:The Second World War is in full swing, fascist Germany is actively attacking the Soviet Union. Battles go on all fronts, thousands of soldiers die on the battlefields daily. At the front, there is a clear lack of ammunition and provisions. Moreover, the quality of the weapon affects. And at this very time, in one of the battles, a young ordinary soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov receives a bullet. Growing up in one of the poorest regions of the USSR, he was one of the most gifted people. In the battle, he was seriously injured and ended up in a field hospital. Biography and life story of a man who is known by the whole world thanks to the legendary AK-47 assault rifle. After all, it was during rehabilitation after a serious injury in the hospital that this young but ambitious soldier began to think about his future fate. There was no opportunity to return back to the front. But this man was truly a true patriot and cried for his homeland with all his heart and soul. Therefore, not even having the opportunity to fight on the battlefield holding a weapon in his hands, he invented the famous assault rifle, which bears his name to this day. The story of a strong man in spirit and heart. The film shows the life, feelings and suffering of Mikhail Kalashnikov.

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19vFDCtTm2xeD_IeYqrT-Sg 提取码:uk8s 《卡拉什尼科夫》是由Konstantin Buslov执导,Yuriy Borisov、Olga Lerman、Artur Smolyaninov等主演的传记片。该片讲述了AK-47突击步枪发明者米哈伊推荐五部战争电影分别是:《1917》、《灰猎犬号》、《血战摩苏尔》、《卡拉什尼科夫》、《勒热夫战役》。1、《1917》。《1917》抛弃了剪辑,用一个长镜头完成了整个电影的叙事,如果你说长镜头无意义,那么整部电影对你来说克留什尼科夫,是个大脑袋的孩子,是个打架能手。《童年》节选:有时,他突如其来的一句话,常常让我记上一生。 我跟他讲了我的故人克留什尼科夫,这是个大脑袋的孩子,是个打架能手。我打不过他,谁也打不过他。“链接:提取码:bf45导演:康斯坦丁·布罗斯洛夫编剧:小谢尔盖·波德洛夫主演:奥尔佳·勒曼、亚瑟·斯莫里亚尼诺夫、尤里·鲍里索夫类型:传记、战争制片国家/地区:俄罗斯语言:俄语上映日期:2020-02-15(伊热夫斯克首映)、2020-02-21(作者资料:米哈伊尔·季莫费耶维奇·卡拉什尼科夫是俄罗斯人,出生于1919年11月10日,2013年12月23日逝世,毕业于基辅坦克技术学校。他是苏俄著名的枪械设计师,以设计“AK-47突击步枪”而闻名。卡拉什尼科夫的代表作是AK系列《疯狗强尼》准是这个 《疯狗强尼》,是一部法国、比利时、利比里亚合作拍摄的战争题材电影。描述非洲某国娃娃兵的残酷人生。他们拿起卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪如同职业军人,年纪轻轻就杀人如麻,强奸妇女。本片叙述年仅15岁的叛军突击米哈伊尔·季莫费耶维奇·卡拉什尼科夫是苏俄著名的枪械设计师,以设计“AK-47突击步枪”而闻名。卡拉什尼科夫的代表作是AK系列步枪、轻机枪RPK、通用机枪PK、霰弹枪SAIGA系列等。米哈伊尔·季莫费耶维奇·卡拉什尼科夫曾在1991年到恩,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥演过一部电影叫《血钻》里面有你你讲的那种非洲童子军,不知道是不是你想要的。我建议你看一部巴西电影,叫《无主之城》,讲的是巴西里约热内卢附近的青年黑帮,也有许多你所描述的情节,只不过免费在线观看资源:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nbKjm5I7IjsxpHwXxcGkEA ?pwd=a0gx 提取码: a0gx 维塔利·哈耶夫,演员,主要作品有《斯特列利佐夫》。2021年参演电视剧《改过自新》。2020年参演电影《斯特列利佐夫》《卡拉什尼科夫》。3、伊丽莎维塔·科诺诺娃 伊丽莎维塔·科诺诺娃(Elizaveta Kononova),1997年3月19日出生...

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